Through the use of various hand positions and light touch, CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method of detecting and correcting imbalances in and around the cranium (skull), spinal cord, and sacrum (tailbone). It encourage the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to dissipate negative effects of stress on the central nervous system. Craniosacral Therapy is done with the client laying face up, fully dressed, on a massage table or bed. With very light touch the practitioner’s hands are placed in various places on the head, spine and sacral areas. The practitioner initially detects the motion and rhythm of the CranioSacral system to find any restrictions. Through a series of hand positions these restrictions are released for maximum movement. Once released the body’s natural healing abilities are enhanced. The treatment can last from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the severity of the imbalance.
Through the use of various hand positions and light touch, CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle method of detecting and correcting imbalances in and around the cranium (skull), spinal cord, and sacrum (tailbone). It encourage the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to dissipate negative effects of stress on the central nervous system. Craniosacral Therapy is done with the client laying face up, fully dressed, on a massage table or bed. With very light touch the practitioner’s hands are placed in various places on the head, spine and sacral areas. The practitioner initially detects the motion and rhythm of the Craniosacral system to find any restrictions. Through a series of hand positions these restrictions are released for maximum movement. Once released the body’s natural healing abilities are enhanced. The treatment can last from 30 minutes to 90 minutes depending on the severity of the imbalance.
Phone: (573) 886-7660
By Appointment Only
Missouri LMT: 2001012559
Venmo | Zelle